TEL: 0917-8191766 / +63 7944-4055
Wireless Dataloggers
Verigo™ Mobile App
iOS and Android
Verigo provides apps for iPhone®, iPad®, and Android™ devices
Wirelessly read temperature and humidity levels from nearby Verigo Pods.
PDF Reports
Generate PDF reports for sensor data and share them directly from your mobile device.
Set sensor thresholds to receive email and text alerts when conditions go awry.
Data Graphs
View sensor data immediately on any mobile device to easily identify trends and threshold excursions.
Immediate Insight
Instantly get insight and visibility of all your shipments. Verigo™ Pods bring actionable data to your fingertips through wireless communication with your iOS™ devices.
Save time and eliminate the need to find your data logger
Avoid opening containers to retrieve data
Speed up your QA processes
Shipment Integrity
Immediately know when shipment integrity is compromised and action is required through Verigo's mobile app alerts.
Set sensor minimum and maximum thresholds
Be alerted when something goes wrong
Bring accountability to your supply chain
No Infrastructure Required
Why spend the time and money needed to install infrastructure throughout your supply chain?
Fit all the infrastructure required into your pocket
Eliminate the need for proprietary readers and cables
Maintain your supply chain solution with little overhead
Complete Shipment History
Need to quickly investigate your entire shipment history? Use the Verigo mobile app to analyze and view all data related to your
View complete sensor logs and basic statistics
See when and how long sensor thresholds were exceeded
Email the data from your phone or tablet